On Oct 9, 2008, at 8:14 AM, fitzage wrote:

> So far this is working great in terms of firing off the emails. How do
> you go about creating the security hash? I'm a little lost when it
> comes to that point.

I'm on less solid ground here, unfortunately. Django's got a utility  
for this (django.utils.hashcompat.sha_constructor) – basically you  
feed sha_constructor strings and then call hexdigest() on it to get  
the security hash (http://docs.python.org/library/hashlib.html). But  
I'm not confident that I'm using it securely. I make a hash out of the  
commenter's email address and the pk of the blog entry in question. It  
works, but it might not be Best Practices.

> This works, but it should be noted that it's an unfortunate
> monkeypatch that is necessary because contrib.comments doesn't
> properly support customization yet.  Once ticket 8630 [1] is resolved,
> the proper way to do this will be to create your own app with a
> get_form() function in __init__.py, and then set COMMENTS_APP to point
> to your app.

Thanks for the head's up, Carl, I'll keep an eye on the ticket.


> On Oct 7, 7:49 pm, Eric Abrahamsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Oct 7, 2008, at 11:38 PM, fitzage wrote:
>>> I want to add one additional piece of data to the comment form.
>>> Basically a checkbox that says whether or not the commenter wants to
>>> be notified of followup comments.
>> I just did exactly this, and found that what works best is not just  
>> to
>> add an input field to the form template, but to actually subclass the
>> builtin CommentForm and add the field there. That way the field will
>> be a part of the form no matter how and where you use it, and will
>> remain in the 'cleaned data' dictionary when the form is validated.
>> Subclass the builtin form, add the field, and then do:
>> from django.contrib import comments
>> def my_get_form():
>>      return MyCommentForm
>> comments.get_form = my_get_form
>>> I know how to add the checkbox. I just created a comments/form.html
>>> template and added the checkbox to it. I know that the data is  
>>> getting
>>> passed correctly.
>>> Now how do I grab that on the backend without having to modify the
>>> comment app directly? There is probably a simple, django-standard  
>>> way
>>> to do this, but I'm at a loss. I already have a function that emails
>>> admin users when a comment is posted, but I'm not sure I  
>>> understand it
>>> well enough to piggy-back off of that, and I'm not even sure that I
>>> can.
>> Signals are beautiful! I made Commenter (email field) and
>> CommentNotification (commenter and entry foreign keys) models, and  
>> did
>> this:
>> def make_notification(sender, comment, request, **kwargs):
>>      notify = request.POST.get("notify", None)
>>      email = request.POST.get("email", None)
>>      if notify and email:
>>          commenter, created = Commenter.get_or_create(email=email)
>>          notification, created =
>> CommentNotification.get_or_create(commenter=commenter,
>> entry=comment.content_object)
>> def notify_commenters(sender, comment, request, **kwargs):
>>      notifications =
>> CommentNotification
>> .objects.select_related().filter(entry=comment.content_object)
>>      if notifications:
>>          for n in notifications:
>>              msg = render_to_string('comments/email.txt',
>> {'comment':comment,'notification':n})
>>              send_mail("There's a new comment!",msg,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ",recipient_list=[n.commenter.email],fail_silently=True)
>> comment_was_posted.connect(make_notification)
>> comment_was_posted.connect(notify_commenters)
>> The email contains a link with a security hash which they can use to
>> un-register themselves for that particular blog entry.
>> I only just wrote all this and haven't tested it yet, but the basic
>> principle ought to be sound...
>> Hope that helps,
>> Eric
> >

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