Dear group,

sorry for starting another thread on this issue. I've seen loads of
messages with similar but particular problems.
My system:
* apache2 (2.2.9-10)
* libapache2-mod-python  (3.3.1-5)
* python-django (1.0-1)

My project is located at:  ~/Desktop/csl2-sdocente/src/candidateTool
and the app I'm trying to make work is called assessmentSystem,
obviously at ~/Desktop/csl2-sdocente/src/candidateTool/

The static files are located at ~/Desktop/csl2-sdocente/src/
django_media/ and match with the url 'r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$'

I'd like to display the app at localhost, so my httpd.conf looks like:

<Location "/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE candidateTool.settings
    PythonOption django.root /
    PythonDebug On
    PythonPath "['/home/peris/Desktop/csl2-sdocente/src/', '/home/
peris/Desktop/csl3-sdocente/src/django_media'] + sys.path"

Alias /static /home/peris/Desktop/csl3-sdocente/src/django_media
<Directory /home/peris/Desktop/csl3-sdocente/src/django_media>
Allow from all

<Location "/static/">
    SetHandler None

<LocationMatch "\.(jpg|gif|png)$">
    SetHandler None

But there's no way I can't load the css and images files. Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

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