I would just like to note here that when I first installed django with 
apache and mod_python most of the problem I had was on the apache side 
with vhosts not django. Each operating system handles apache configs a 
little different. The guide on django's web site is great for the base 
information. You just might need to adjust slightly for you OS.

Steve Holden wrote:
> If you read your httpd.conf file you will find at some point there is a
> line that includes the configuration data from the sites-enabled
> directory. This idea is to be able to switch sites on and off by adding
> and removing symbolic links from sites-enabled.
> Make sure you *always* edit the files in sites-available! If you edit in
> site-enabled, some editors will replace the original symbolic link in
> sites-enabled with an updated copy of the file itself, and then you will
> lose you configuration data if you decide to switch the site off
> temporarily ...
> The configuration commands are exactly the same for a configuration
> sub-file: it's exactly as though they had appeared in the main
> configuration file at the point of inclusion, so once you understand the
> relationship between the sites-available and sites-enabled directories
> and your main configuration file you should be good to go.
> You *could* put the configuration commands in http.conf itself, but this
> goes against the Debian/Ubuntu organization scheme, and so probably
> wouldn't be helpful long-term.
> The Django setup instructions aren't bad, but there are so many
> different ways that Apache is organized that the authors couldn't hope
> to cover them all.
> regards
>  Steve
>> On Nov 9, 10:33 pm, "DULMANDAKH Sukhbaatar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Please follow instructions 
>>> onhttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modpython/to
>>> setup django and mod_python.
>>> And it's interesting that how do you know that mod_python is working?
>>> --
>>> Regards
>>> Dulmandakh
> >

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