On Sat, 2008-11-15 at 16:13 -0800, dash86no wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to django, and this I have been doing my best to follow online
> documentation to help me get my first site up and running. My main
> source has been:
> http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/
> Now this has been great but i'm starting to get the sense that django
> is a fast moving project and some of the material may be a little out
> of date now. Specifically: http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter06/
> the chapter about setting up the admin interface tells me to add:
> class Admin:
>         pass
> to my models.py file under the relevant class definitions. However,
> after having done this, and uncommenting the relevant lines in urls.py
> and settings.py to set up the superuser and allow access to the admin,
> I can log into the admin interface, but the only site I can see in
> there is: "example.com".
> I did a bit of reading around and found this:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/
> Which seems very different to the method described in djangobook.com.
> I would follow this documentation, but it describes an "admin.py"
> file, which does not exist within my project folder or my app folder.
> I'm a little confused, and would appreciate it if somebody could point
> me to the current  "authoritative" tutorials, so I can begin to  get
> back on the right path here.
> Cheers,

Hi Dash,

I believe the method for bringing models up in 1.0+ has changed from
previous. Instead you need to now add the following:

from django.contrib import admin

in your import statements and then use the following to "register" your
models with the admin interface.


James Purser
Mob: 0406 576 553
Ph: +61 2 8210 6725
Skype: collaborynth

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