Some time ago Webfaction notified me "Memory usage over your
limit" (80MB) It's taken me ages to find this darn memory leak! It was
one short line that didn't even add functionality to my users.

I have 2000 items (cars) in a database table, which my users can
search through. After the webfaction memory warning, I optimised the
code so that my pagination was in place so that in theory only 10
items were loaded into memory per page view. But still my memory usage
was massive.

Anyway today I notice the line:
msg =cgi.escape(str(len(cars)))+'<br>\n' # which stores a debugging
message for me

That line was between these two lines (spread out by other stuff and
cars = Car.objects.filter(...) #upto 2000 items
msg =... len(cars) # can you see the massive memory use here?
paginator = Paginator(cars, per_page=10)

As you all know Django has been well designed to be lazy at executing
database queries, this is how the Paginator can take a queryset
representing all 2000 items, and return just 10 having loaded only
those 10 into memory.

So what's wrong with len(cars)? Well, it forces the db query to be
executed in full (before the Paginator line) and loaded into memory.
This caused massive memory use and made me go over my limit.

If I'd wanted the total number of cars, or number of results, I
should've done Car.objects.filter(...).count() which actually executes
a SELECT COUNT(*) which returns a single number, rather than, in
essence, a huge list.

Maybe this post will help someone else also one thing I don't

Why wasn't the memory returned to me after each page view? Why was an
apache off/on necessary to clear memory? And is there anything I can
do to help clear memory that been used, but not returned to the system?
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