
> I am trying to send an email to three people as follows:
>     if request.session['Email'] != '':
>         #initialize email variables
>         # render both html and text strings from the templates below
>         textmessage = render_to_string('email_text.html',
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
>         htmlmessage = render_to_string('email_html.html',
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
>         from_email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>         to_email=request.session['Email'] +

That doesn't work because, you are just creating a concatenated string
with those address. Instead, use a list:

to_email = [request.session['Email'], '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',

>         subject = 'Thank you from XXX'
>         if request.session['EmailFormat'] == 'T':
>             #send text email here.
>             send_mail(subject,textmessage,from_email,[to_email])

If to_email is already a list as I mentioned above, remove the []
around it here. So the above line becomes:

send_mail(subject,textmessage,from_email, to_email)

>         if request.session['EmailFormat'] == 'H':
>             #send the html email now
>             msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,textmessage,
> from_email, [to_email])

Do the same here...

-Rajesh D

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