On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 03:29 -0800, Caisys wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to publish some statics files on my website and I have a
> some questions:
> 1- The flatpage app examples like http://www.lawrence.com/about/staph/
> contain elaborate html, is this edited as a text field in the admin
> interface, wouldn't it be tedious to maintain?

Depends upon how complicated the page is and how often you're going to
edit it.

> 2- Can i do something like point all pages/(?P<page_name>\w+) to
> mysite.views.page_serve and create a view page_serve that accepts the
> page name as a parameter and reners_to_response a template with the
> same name?
> This way I can edit my static pages easily with my web development
> app?
> Is there anything wrong with doing the above.

Absolutely nothing at all wrong with doing that. You might want to have
a look at the direct_to_template view as well (see [1]) which provides a
fairly nice shortcut for that sort of thing. But even your own very
small view, if the generic one doesn't do everything you want is fine
(and, I suspect, not at all uncommon. I use that pattern a fair bit).



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