
http://pastie.org/private/xvqf5tgjnimiolakhawgg (relevant code)

Django's QuerySets allow you to do ORs (unions) pretty nicely with  
Model.manager.filter(Q(...) | Q(...)). However, ANDs don't work quite  
as nicely in my situation because I want AND to do what  
Model.manager.filter(Q(...)).filter(Q(...)) would do, but  
Model.manager.filter(Q(...) & Q(...)) does something very different.  
It does not compare fields with other rows in the table but rather  
with the same row against itself. For example, I have a Tag model with  
a CharField I call 'name'. If I were to do  
Tag.objects.filter(Q(name='text') & Q(name='password')), it would  
compare each tag to check if the tag's name equals "text" AND that the  
same tag's name equals "password".

Can you think of a way to fix eval_cmds() so that my app can parse a  
query like "(text & password) | (python & django)" which a user would  
enter? It seems like nothing I try will work.

Thank you,

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