It's unlikely I will be able to add much after Russ, but I will
suggest a book that has helped me a GREAT deal in support of the IDE-

Foundations of Agile Python Development:

It goes step-by-step over subversion and eclipse and pydev. It covers
windows and linux though the author uses linux. I was able to use
everything on Windows just fine but I HAVE migrated to linux since
then (painful but possible)...

Good luck and while I'm not much less new than you, I can say with
sincerity, WELCOME!


On Nov 25, 5:59 am, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 5:27 PM, DragonSlayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey, I'm getting started with a friend in developing a site with
> > Django, and we're both new to this, so I am wondering what people use
> > to manage all their files, and for looking at documentation etc.
> While I must apologize for Kenneth's poorly expressed frustration, his
> underlying message is sound - this has come up _many_ times on
> Django-users. A quick Google search should return many options, but
> there is no clear or correct answer to your question.
> > Having come from a Java background, I'm used to great documentation,
> > and suspect that Java is very much the leader in doc, and not the
> > standard.
> Having spent the afternoon wrestling with J2EE, I'd strongly disagree
> with this assertion. I will agree that Java projects tend to have have
> very extensive API documentation. This is a result of the combination
> of Javadoc and strong IDE integration that supports Javadoc. However,
> the quality of that documentation is highly variable. Unfortunately,
> the fact that Java IDEs automatically write Javadoc stubs and provide
> 1 button "build the documentation" hooks gives developers the mistaken
> impression that a project is "well documented". Documentation for the
> method "get_username()" that reads "Returns the username" doesn't
> really illuminate anything.
> There is also the argument that good APIs don't require lots of API
> documentation - after all, it should be obvious what get_username()
> returns. If your API entry points require extensive explanations,
> perhaps you need a better API.
> Good documentation means more than an API (and a _lot_ more than an
> empty autogenerated stub). Documentation means good explanations of
> the big picture - how the pieces fit together, how to achieve
> important tasks, significant internal states, etc. This sort of
> documentation doesn't fit well into simple API docs. It is also very
> hard to write, and as a result, it often isn't written, and when it
> is, it is rarely written well. This isn't unique to Java, either - the
> vast majority of open source projects suffer from this affliction.
> I'd like to think that Django is on the better end of the spectrum
> when it comes to documentation - we are blessed to have a journalism
> major amongst our project founders, and a couple of other liberal arts
> majors amongst the frequent contributors. As a result,
> is a pretty thorough resource, and is generally
> well written. This documentation is by no means perfect, but it is
> certainly better than a lot of other projects out there.
> In addition to the official documentation, there is a wealth of
> contributions on django-users and in the blogging community around
> Django that provides excellent material to supplement the official
> docs. Again, Google is your friend, and Django is a pretty specific
> Google keyword :-)
> > I've used the pydev plugin for eclipse, but it seems extremely
> > limited.
> I've used PyDev too, and I'd agree with your assessment. However,
> others seem to like it. YMMV.
> > How do you develop your django projects, and where do you go when you
> > need to find documentation?
> Your original query actually reveals a bias that is significant - why
> do you want an IDE in particular?
> Java, as a semi-traditional compiled language, lends itself to IDE
> development. The write-compile-run cycle places a certain imperative
> on getting code right the first time. Admittedly, the incremental
> compilation features of modern Java IDEs make this less of an issue,
> but the general language culture leans towards tools and development
> techniques that support this general philosophy.
> However, dynamic languages tend not to leverage IDEs as much. A lot of
> Python developers (and developers in other dynamic languages) tend to
> develop using relatively lightweight text editors. Some of these
> editors provide code highlighting, code completion, and other IDE-like
> features, but they definitely don't go as far as a traditional IDE.
> There are at least two reasons for this. Firstly, dynamic languages
> don't require a write-compile-run cycle, so they lend themselves to
> much greater experimentation. Want to know if an idea will work? Fire
> up an interactive Python shell and test out your idea. Editors can
> help you maintain scratchpads to develop a complex test harnesses; the
> Python runtime environment provides the ability to dynamically reload
> code modules during runtime. IDEs are very good when you're dealing
> with managing a body of code that is 'published' into a compiled
> product; I'm yet to see an IDE that can deal elegantly with the
> capabilities of a dynamic language.
> Secondly, there is the long standing "unix vs windows" philosophical
> argument. The Windows world (which, for all the Sun heritage, Java
> really is a part of) tends to push monolithic tools that do
> everything. The unix world, on the other hand, tends to push lots of
> little tools, each of which does one thing well. Want something to
> edit text? Get a good text editor. Want something to manage files? Get
> a good file manager. Want something to manage integration with version
> control? Get a good version control system. A complete development
> environment consists of lots of little tools, each of which does a
> specific job well.
> However, that said, if you really do want to use an IDE, there are a
> number of IDEs for Python out there, both free and commercial, and
> some of them explicitly provide varying degrees of support for Django.
> Again, Google is your friend.
> I hope this provides some illumination. All the best in your search
> for the perfect development tools, and best of luck with your Django
> project.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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