Hi There,
So, I am trying "
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/file-uploads/";, but can't
see the results.

I mean, I am confused because I don't know where to place the template
(which I believe has to be "contact.html"). I have a folder
"/mysite/templates/" and the tutorial "mysite/polls" works fine. Thus I have
"/mysite/templates/polls" and "/mysite/templates/admin".

So I am trying to place "/mysite/templates/contact.html" and when trying "
http://localhost:8000/contact/"; I got:

Exception Type: TypeError at /contact/ Exception Value: 'str' object is not

I still have no idea about how to follow this debugging message.

Should I have to have "/mysite/templates/contact/contact.html"?

Besides, what to put in urls.py ("/mysite/urls.py")?

I am trying:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include

# Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:

from django.contrib import admin


urlpatterns = patterns('',

    (r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root),

    (r'^contact/', 'contact'),

    (r'^jobs/', include('mysite.jobs.urls')),


"http://localhost:8000/jobs/"; and "http://localhost:8000/admin/"; work fines.

Needless to say I am a naive novice to Django.

If someone can point out what I am missing in "
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/file-uploads/"; I would
deeply grateful.

Many thanks in advance.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 09:37, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you very much Karen.
> Indeed, reading Django docs I was getting something very close to what you
> sent to me, but I am still failing to render (still have difficult to debug,
> but getting there). With your example I believe can solve the issues I have.
> I will describe what I want to do.
> We have a python application that does heavy calculation (NMR structure
> determination related). So, our (draft) portal should be a page where one
> can upload a file (zip, containing the project to be calculated). Once
> uploaded, I would like to keep in a DB (at first), project name, date &
> time, path location. Once uploaded, the file should be unzipped in a
> specific folder (path location, so I don't want to keep the zip file neither
> in filesystem nor in DB) and call our python application to run it. I hope I
> can enable this draft portal to send an e-mail when job is done with status
> (failed or done, for example).
> Eventually, I intend to put a log in (user has to be identified) and a
> parsed page (where user can tweak some parameters before clicking "Run"
> bottom).
> Once again, thanks for your help.
> Alan
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 16:32, Karen Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> Although I have some experience in Python and Plone and have done Django
>>> tutorial, I am still not getting how to do a simple task I proposed myself:
>>> build a submitting page for a zip file.
>>> So I am looking at
>>> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/file-uploads/
>>> It seems to have all I need, but I still don't know well how to connect
>>> the dots. So, it would be really great if I could put my hands in a example
>>> or, better, tutorial, of how to build such a page for submitting a file.
>>> The difficult I find is that when I was building webpages I used to think
>>> first the html code and then the rest, but with Django, I feel I have to
>>> think first models, but then I still lack how to link with view.
>> I think it makes sense to think first in terms of what you want to present
>> to the user for your task, which in Django would be a combination of a form
>> and template.  From there start thinking about what your view code needs to
>> do to manipulate the submitted form data to be saved in one or more model
>> instances.  What models you want to create rather depends on more than the
>> one simple task of submitting a zip file -- what sorts of things do you want
>> to do with the submitted zip files after they've been been submitted?
>> If the form for your task maps nicely to a single model then perhaps it
>> makes sense to use a ModelForm, but maybe not.  In some cases what should
>> logically be presented to the user doesn't map so nicely to what it makes
>> logical sense to keep in your database, and then it's best to give up on the
>> very easy ModelForm approach and write some custom forms and code that deals
>> with mapping from what is best for the user to deal with to what is best to
>> store in the DB.
>> To give a concrete example, I have a crossword puzzle database to which I
>> upload new published puzzles daily.  Models in the DB include Publishers,
>> Authors, Puzzles, Entries, and Clues.  There is no PuzzleFile model --
>> uploading a new puzzle file will involve creating a new Puzzle instance, may
>> involve creating a new Author instance, many new Entries instances, many new
>> Clues, etc.  Uploading and adding a puzzle is a two step process, the basic
>> upload form is very simple and doesn't involve any models. The file is
>> stashed in a staging area where it can be found and processed during the add
>> step, which is where actual DB models are created/updated.  In case it's of
>> any illustrative use, here's the basics of the upload code:
>> http://dpaste.com/96432/ -- form, view, and template.
>> Karen
>> >>
> --
> Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate
> Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
> 80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK.
> >>http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/~awd28<<

Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK.

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