On Dec 8, 8:00Â am, chewynougat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Could anyone tell me if I can pass the current user to a form wizard
> step so I can prepopulate their object details in the form? If so,
> how?

It depends on where exactly you need to access the current user. If
you can do it *after* form validation has been completed and just use
``commit=False`` [1] when saving the form to fill in the extra data,
that's easily accomplished in the ``done()`` method of the form [2].

However, if you need the current user right when the form is
instantiated (if you need a pre-populated form to edit an existing
object, for example) you're in for a bit of extra work. Here's a
FormWizard class that I use to pass the ``instance`` [1] keyword to
all the ModelForms in a Wizard. (Obviously you'll need to do a bit of
extra leg-work if all of your forms don't derive from the same model,
or aren't ModelForms at all.)::

    class YourFormWizard(FormWizard):
        def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            """Override for getting instance to get_form."""
            self.instance = kwargs.pop('instance', None)
            return super(YourFormWizard, self).__call__(
                request, *args, **kwargs)

        def get_form(self, step, data=None):
            """Override for passing the instance keyword argument."""
            # If all your ModelForms aren't of the same model you'll
            # need to do an isinstance() check, or something similar
            # only pass the instance keyword to the right form.
            return self.form_list[step](
                initial=self.initial.get(step, None),

Use like so::

    def some_edit_view(request, some_id):
        instance = get_object_or_4o4(
            YourModel, user=request.user, id=some_id)
        return YourFormWizard([YourForm1, YourForm2])(
            request, instance=instance)

If that's more confusing than helpful, post your code and I'll give
you a more specific example. :)

- whiteinge

.. [1] 
.. [2] 
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