i'm working on a simple concept i'm sure others have solved, but i
can't get it.

basically, given some <xml> input, i parse it, find which objects to
create, and do it.

so with a model:

class Foo(models.Model):
      name = models.CharField(max_length=20)

and input xml of <request><Foo><name>bar</name></Foo></request>

my view would parse that xml, find the Element Request name "Foo",
instantiate Foo, set the "name" value to bar, and save it.

import myproject.test.models as test_models
createobj = getattr(test_models, "Foo")
setattr(createobj, "name", "bar")

the current code there above gives me

unbound method save() must be called with Foo instance as first
argument (got nothing instead)

i've also tried
save =  getattr(createobj, "save")

unbound method save() must be called with Foo instance as first
argument (got ModelBase instance instead)

i've probably gone about the whole problem all wrong, so feel feel to
correct this approach if it is way off base

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