On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 5:11 AM, Info Cascade
<informationcasc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi --
> I am getting intermittent errors on certain database queries on our
> production server.
> I am having a hard time duplicating them (most of the time they run
> okay, only sometimes on the production server am I receiving exception
> messages),
> so I want to log the SQL query itself and see what it is, and why it
> might be failing.
> Is there some way of seeing what SQL statement will be executed by a
> QuerySet before actually executing it?

Yes. If you have the query:

>>> Author.objects.filter(...)

then the following:

>>> print Author.objects.filter(...).query.as_sql()

will print the SQL that results from the query.

Another approach is to inspect the query log. If debug is enabled in
your settings, then:

>>> from django.db import connection
>>> connection.queries

will print a list of all queries that have been passed to the database.

Russ Magee %-)

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