Yup, that's exactly what formsets are for.  You essentially take the
form you've already written, and pass it to formset_factory() to
create a list of identical forms.



On Jan 6, 1:02 am, "Kottiyath Nair" <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>     Since I am a newbie in HTML and Django, there might be a completely
> different way to do this. If somebody can point that also, it would be
> helpful.
>     I want to send multiple rows of data from a datagrid to a django server.
>     Currently, I am doing it in a single form inside a page with the
> parameters as array. Please note that this value can change from 1 row to 25
> rows.
> The example get statement for 3 rows would look like:
> ../send_multiple_values_through_one_form.html?foo[secret]=my+hidden+value&foo[product-id]=1&bar[secret]=my+hidden+value&bar[product-id]=2&baz[secret]=my+hidden+value&baz[product-id]=3
> Now, I want to use Django forms to validate this data.
> class UploadQueryForm(forms.Form):
>     secret = forms.IntegerField()
>     product_id = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
> But this can be used to handle only one row . How can I use this for
> multiple rows? Is Django Formsets used for this purpose?
> Please note that I am not averse to other ideas - (say multiple forms etc),
> but I cannot think of any other way to implement this from HTML perspective
> itself.
> Regards
> K
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