On Jan 9, 2009, at 10:19 PM, _Sebastian_ wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been following the tutorial 
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/#playing-with-the-api
> and working on a own test-project as well.
> so I tried to adapt from
> class Poll(models.Model):
>    question = models.CharField('question',max_length=200)
>    def __unicode__(self):
>        return self.question
> to this
> class Poll2(models.Model):
>    question_number = models.IntegerField()
>    def __unicode__(self):
>        return self.question_number
> to list the actual question number instead of Question Object in the
> admin interface.
> Somehow it was not working. How do I need to do it so it's right?

A couple of questions: what do you mean exactly by question number?  
And also, how is it not working? And, for good measure, what would it  
look like if it were right? As you've written this, it should work  
fine – when you create a Poll object its data will consist of a number  
(but no question!), and that number will be returned by the  
__unicode__ method. You might be trying to retrieve the primary key  
for Poll2 objects, which is a column that Django usually makes  
implicitly for you, in the background, unless you specify that you  
want to do it yourself. If this is the number you want, you can get it  
in the __unicode__ method as self.pk. That might not really be what  
you want, though, because that number will increment regardless of  
deletes or modifications, and you can't (or shouldn't) modify it  
manually. If you were hoping for a number attribute that you can  
modify, and use for ordering, etc., let us know, and that should be  
easy to arrange.

Welcome and good luck,

> cheers,
> seb
> >

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