On Jan 10, 8:13 pm, zweb <traderash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Javascript:
> document.getElemnetById(’textareacontent’).value.replace(/\n/
> g,’<br>’);
> PHP:
> preg_replace(”/\n/”,”<br>”,$_REQUEST['t1']);
> Ruby:
> (teaxtareacontent).gsub(/\n/,”<br>”)
> ( reference 
> -http://rkutti.wordpress.com/2008/01/31/display-textarea-content-with-...)

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, as you don't want to put a <br />
inside a text area without escaping it.

If you are talking about displaying text that you got from a text
area, then the PHP idiom is nl2br().

In Django templates, see the linebreaks and linebreaksbr filters:

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