On Jan 17, 8:36 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> On Jan 18, 2:53 pm, Adam Yee <adamj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It was a slam dunk for completing the tutorial in the development
> > server, but I can't figure out this issue I'm having with the generic
> > views while using my apache server.  I'm unable to get the vote view
> > to redirect correctly.
> > My apache error seen here with both urls.py and views.py.  The apache
> > config is at the bottom.
> >http://dpaste.com/110275/
> I'm in the middle of something else at the moment and my internet
> connection is dodgy, so I can't reliably look this up, however, one
> wild guess: Since the error you're seeing suggests that the '/mysite'
> portion is being stripped, this is possibly one of the cases where the
> Alias (or WSGIAlias in this case) has to end with a trailing slash.
> You've written the WSGIAlias as "/mysite", try "/mysite/" instead.
> Again, this may be complete rubbish, but it's a common enough error
> with Alias commands, although I can't remember how it works with
> trailing script specifications (like ..../django.wsgi). Still, it will
> only take 30 seconds to test and if I'm wrong, you're no worse off.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

Adding the trailing slash to /mysite/ resulted in getting 404s on all
views.  Read over Apache's docs


and it says something about the URL not being aliased if you add the
trailing /.  I don't quite fully understand it.

However, removing 'mysite' and leaving just the / has fixed the
response/redirect problem.  The index generic view is now at and all the rest follows as instructed in the

I'm still very puzzled by not being able to use '/mysite'.  I agree
with you that somewhere '/mysite' is being stripped or just not being
accessed at all.  My guess is somewhere in the generic views and/or
how they are set up in the urlconfs.  It seems because the vote view
isn't a generic view, it's unable to redirect to a generic view.
Feels like something is missing.  Does that make any sense?

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