On Jan 26, 2:42 pm, Erik Bernoth <shol...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We want to experiment with some of the django development processes in
> our projects, too. So I tried to create .diff-files and merge them
> into another repository to keep my working trunk clean from patches
> and new features, that are not tested yet.
> The creation of diff files is easy. I can understand "svn diff" very
> well. But after reading in the SVN Book, google and the "svn help"
> pages for svn commands I still don't know how to get this abc.diff
> into my working repository.
> So I started to experiment (in a test-repository ;) ):
> $ cat abc.diff | svn merge
> svn: Not enough arguments provided; ...
> $ svn merge --diff3-cmd `cat abc.diff`
> svn: invalid option: ---
> $ cat abc.diff | svn merge --diff3-cmd
> svn: missing argument: --diff3-cmd
> and so on... (tried some stuff with "svn up" and "svn ci" too)
> I'm sorry, that I can't find a solution myself. Can you provide a
> working way to do it?
> regards
> Erik Bernoth

Applying patches has nothing to do with svn merge (which is for
merging changes between branches in a repository). You want the
standalone 'patch' command. Usually the format is:
patch -p0 < patchfile
where patchfile is the name of the diff.
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