On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick
<malc...@pointy-stick.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 22:50 -0500, Karen Tracey wrote:
>> No, I don't think that's an accurate representation of the status.
>> The triage state is Accepted and furthermore Malcolm even assigned it
>> to himself, meaning he's intending to fix it.  Per this comment:
>> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8193#comment:20
>> working on the fix has revealed other problems so it is not as simple
>> as one might hope.  So it's in the queue to be fixed, probably (I'm
>> just guessing) prioritized behind some 1.1 feature work.
> That's correct. Also, this particular thread has provided the first
> example of standard behaviour causing a problem, which is something
> that's been requested a few times in that ticket and related threads.
> It will be fixed for 1.1. Since we now have a case of normal Python
> usage triggering a problem, it will also be back-ported to the 1.0
> branch. All in good time.
> For now, not using "from __future__ ..." is an acceptable workaround.
> Live in the present, not the future for a little while. :-)

I misspoke. I should have said, "...people think it's a bug without

I also realize my message could have been read in a demanding, annoyed
way rather than in the teasing, needling way in which I meant it. I'm
okay with living in the present. Especially since I've had four whole
days to work on Django stuff since my school district (I teach CS at
the high school level.) is closed all week because of an ice storm
that has knocked out power at about 1/3 of the schools.


P.S. One of my former students has made a few thousand dollars writing
Django sites since he graduated last May. Best advertising for my
advanced classes I've ever had. :-)

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