On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves
<law...@thenilgiris.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 Feb 2009 1:57:46 am sierramtns wrote:
>> there are certainly other people acting as such in varying degrees,
>> and i only cite Magus- because of the twitter feed and django log
>> entry being available to exemplify this pattern of behavior (god help
>> me if ive started a flamewar.)
> there was a long flame war about this on the developer list some time back.
> The general consensus is that Magus- is perhaps the most valuable person on
> the channel and most of us do not mind being 'insulted' as long as he solves
> our problems - and he does. In fact someone did a grep on 'Magus-' + 'thank
> you' and found a zillion matches.

Kenneth - Please be _very_ careful about representing "the general
consensus" of Django Developers. Just because a discussion happens on
Django Developers, doesn't mean it's "official Django policy". You're
not a core developer, and if you go back to the discussion you
referenced, the only core developers that weighed in were Jacob,
James, and myself. Jacob specifically avoided the issue of Magus's
behaviour in particular. James mentioned that Magus has been quite
helpful to many people. I only responded to refute your specific
suggestion that any behavior, however rude, was somehow acceptable. It

I will repeat what Jacob said the last time this came up. It is as
true now as it was then, and it's a much better representation of "the
general consensus" of the Django core developers. Quoting:

Two things:

* Basic decorum is something that we've always treasured in the Django
community. This applies to the IRC channel. If you can't be polite
here, there, or anywhere in our community please try to keep your
mouth shut.

I don't particularly care to argue about whether Magus crossed any
lines or not; I trust him to not take this callout *too* personally,
and I trust that we can all try to strike a kinder tone in IRC in the

* Basic decorum *also* dictates that if you have a personal problem
with someone you try to solve it with them, privately.

Talking to me or another maintainer -- again, privately -- is the second step.

Calling someone else out publically is a move of last resort, and one
that should be avoided at all costs.

Russ Magee %-)

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