> 4. Use the macpython .dmg

I've been using the app from http://wiki.python.org/moin/MacPython/Leopard
and it works great.  That's a nice clean 2.5.4 install.  All my libs/
apps I get using pip and virtualenv which is a recent thing.

On a recent install I did with a friend, we left the stock 2.5.1 and
it has worked fine.  I would consider that next time.

I've been under the impression that 2.6 can't be used with Django
yet.  At the least, I would only use it for helping with Django
development, not for anything else - it hasn't been out long enough to
be depended on IMHO.


P.S. - I haven't bothered with Apache/MySQL on the Mac.  My theory is
that for testing and production, everything should be done on Linux
anyway, so why bother messing around with it on the Mac - which I only
use for development.  FWIW, I use Fedora 8 on Amazon Web Services for
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