I'm in the process of converting a project from 0.96 to 1.0.  The
newforms admin has me a little stumped.  The way I currently have one
of my models set up is like so:

cpip = models.ForeignKey('Cpip', edit_inline=models.TABULAR,
num_in_admin=10, num_extra_on_change=3)

That will give me 10 inlines initially and when I save will give me 3
extras.  I like the way that works because when I create the object, I
have up to 10 related objects that I want to add, but after that, I
typically only need to add one or two.

With the newforms admin, the only options that I have found are extra
and max_num.  If I set extra to 10, I get 10 inlines initially, but
when I save I get an additional 10 empties that I don't want.  I
haven't been able to find any combination of extra and max num that
works for me.

I'm sorry if this has already been answered somewhere before.  I
wasn't able to find anything after some googling.


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