I've been following James Bennett's "Practical Django Projects"
alongside of Brett Haydon's very helpful post
and came across an issue when wanting to change the format of the URLs
in my blog application.

For any blog entry, the URL will look something like "/blog/2009/feb/
10/some-post/".  My goal is to change it to "/blog/2009/02/10/some-
post/".  Change the month abbreviation to its respective number.

To do this, in my blog's models.py, I changed the get_absolute_url
function to this:

def get_absolute_url(self):
                return ('coltrane_entry_detail', (), { 'year': 
           'month': self.pub_date.strftime("%m"),
           'day': self.pub_date.strftime("%d"),
           'slug': self.slug })

In the entries urls, I changed the regex to look for digits instead of
word characters:

urlpatterns = patterns ('django.views.generic.date_based',
        (r'^$', 'archive_index', entry_info_dict,
        'archive_year', entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_archive_year'),
        'archive_month', entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_archive_month'),
        'archive_day', entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_archive_day'),
        'object_detail', entry_info_dict, 'coltrane_entry_detail'),

I thought this would have taken care of the URLs, but I'm getting a
404 page with no helpful error message (debug=True) when I try to
access any of my entries or index lists.  "/blog/2009/02/..." doesn't

Usually it would say there are no flatpages for the query, now it's
just blank for that line.

What am I missing?  I feel like it's one of those "urdoinitwrong"

Thanks for your help!

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