On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 15:37 -0800, Adam Nelson wrote:
> I'm looking at the documentation here:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#regroup
> And am looking for the best practices way to deal with doing that from
> within the manager.  

You point to documentation for a template tag and then talk about "the
manager". I don't understand what you're asking here. Is it how to
create a data structure appropriate for passing to regroup (which would
more likely be a view function or, possibly, a model method)? Or
something else?

> This seems like a common issue:
> 1. I have two models, one foreign keys to the other (comments ->
> bookmarks)
> 2. I want, for each bookmark, to list each comment_description.
> This would be the dictionary (or I could use a queryset, or a list, or
> ideally a dictionary of lists, or whatever is considered best
> practice)
> [{'comment_id': 1, 'bookmark_id': 1, 'comment_description':
> u'Bookmark1 Description'}, {'comment_id': 2, 'bookmark_id': 1,
> 'comment_description': u'Bookmark1 Another Description'}, {'id': 3,
> 'comment_id': 2, 'comment_description': u'Bookmark2 Description'}]
> I want:
> bookmark_id 1, comment_descriptions "Bookmark1 Description","Bookmark1
> Another Description"
> bookmark_id 2, comment_descriptions "Bookmark2 Description"

It sounds like you're wanting to group everything for the same
bookmark_id together. So the regroup tag is the right thing. Assuming
"dataset" is your list of dictionaries:

        {% regroup dataset by bookmark_id as ordered_dataset %}
        {% for entry in ordered_dataset %}
           {{ entry.grouper }}
           <ul>{% for data in entry.list %}
              <li>{{ data.comment_description }}</li>
           {% endfor %}</ul>
        {% endfor %}
I've added a little bit of HTML formatting just to make things clear,
but, at this point, it's basically the same as the example in the
documentation for the regroup tag.

> The Python docs are really tough to navigate 

Huh?! The Python docs are generally widely considered to be excellently
structured. There's both a list of all available modules and a general
index. What, exactly are you looking for that is hard to find?

> and while the Django docs
> are excellent, I can't find the standard solution for this. 

Again, depends on what you're actually wanting to do. Likely answer is
that there are 14 different solutions, all equally good. Not something
that's going to be covered in the Django documentation, since it's just
going to be normal Python programming and that is amply covered


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