so seems that the answer is no, and If you would share your work I
(and probably many other) will appreciate it very much :)

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:47 AM, DrMeers <> wrote:
> I have developed a Django site for an open source project, with
> contributors around the globe.
> A brief aside/background: I have used django-cms to store the majority
> of the content for the site, but rather than adopting its usual tactic
> of translating a whole page at a time, have used {% trans %} and {%
> blocktrans %} tags within the content, and written a script to dump
> the database content into dummy HTML files so they get picked up by
>'s makemessages utility. This way translators don't
> have to hunt for which line/paragraph within a large page has been
> changed, nor worry about messing up the layout of the page when
> translating.
> Back to the point: this website will be translated into over a dozen
> languages, and undergo regular content updates. I have written code
> that runs makemessages (via subprocess.Popen, though I
> suspect there is a better way to run it within python?) and allows the
> download of the latest .po file for any given language. I would also
> like registered/authenticated users to be able to easily upload their
> updated translation files and have them automatically update the
> website (using compilemessages). So when I make a change to the
> website, I'd like the registered translators to be automatically
> emailed, and asked to update their translations (again, simply
> download and upload the new .po file via the website). This is easy
> enough to do, and saves me a HUGE amount of work over the next few
> years.
> But the reason I am posting this: this is such a common procedure,
> surely someone has written this stuff before? But I cannot find it
> anywhere online. Isn't there a django-translation-management package
> already written? Or should I create it once I finish coding? How have
> other people streamlined this process?
> >

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