H René,

This is what I use on all my forms (I use my own modelform subclass to
insert these for date fields, but that is not relevant):

as formfield:

class DateFormField(forms.DateField):
    def __init__(self, input_formats=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DateFormField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.input_formats = input_formats or

    def clean(self, value):
        super(forms.DateField, self).clean(value)
        if value in forms.fields.EMPTY_VALUES:
            return None
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            return value.date()
        if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
            return value
        for format in self.input_formats:
                y, m, d = time.strptime(value, format)[:3]
                if y == 1900:
                    y = datetime.datetime.now().year
                return datetime.date(y, m, d)
            except ValueError:
        raise forms.util.ValidationError(self.error_messages

and as widget:

# like admin date widget with proper date formatting
class DateWidget(forms.DateTimeInput):
    class Media:
        js = (settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/calendar.js",
              settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/admin/

    def __init__(self, attrs={}):
        super(DateWidget, self).__init__
(format=settings.DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, attrs={'class': 'vDateField',
'size': '10'})

and in settings:

    '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y',  # '25/10/2006', '25/10/06'
    '%d/%m',                 # '25/10'
    '%Y-%m-%d',              # '2006-10-25'


This way the field accepts all my formats (also the format the
calendar widget returns) and the output is rendered the way I want it.
Notice that the custom clean is there because I want to accept dates
like 18/02 without the year and use the current year for those.

Hope this helps somebody, and would appreciate to hear if there are
better ways,

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