
One way would be to create a View that performs all of the Report
Generating Tasks.  You could then use cron (or another task scheduler)
to run a command line browser that runs that view (using wget for

So basically you would have a @monthly entry in cron that runs
something like:  wget http://localhost/ProjectName/GenerateMonthlyReport/

Then put some checks in the View to ensure it only run once a month.


On Feb 18, 10:36 am, Alfonso <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a client who wants to generate an invoice statment
> automatically on the first of every month.  I'm trying to work out how
> I might do that in Django.  I have a simple statement model and a
> simple invoice model and all I want to do is on 1st of calendar Month
> update the statement model with invoices that haven't been paid.
> I'm not sure how to make that 'fire' correctly without an admin doing
> the legwork of adding a statement?
> Thanks
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