Trolling through the board a bit here are some other postings on
similar topics:

Suggesting looking at Satchmo

Suggesting Beancounter:



On Mar 5, 4:36 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 16:23 -0800, John Boxall wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> > I'm building a Django app that charges users monthly and one time
> > fees. I need to generate invoices and keep track of orders and I most
> > definitely don't want to write this non-core code myself :) Someone
> > else must have done it (or something like it!)
> > I've tried searching in the usual places but haven't found anything
> > yet.
> > Has anyone seen any Django pluggable apps for maintaining billing
> > history for users?
> No idea about the collecting of raw data stuff. It's likely only a
> single model to record line items that you then summarise later when you
> actually generate the reports. So that might be easy enough to just
> knock up and even use the admin interface to populate.
> For the reporting side of things, you might want to look at Marinho
> Brandão's Geraldo project. I looked at an early version of it and it
> looked promising and sensibly designed (which sounds like damning with
> faint praise, but I just haven't had time or motivation to dig deeper
> into it. It's certainly on my list of apps to invest more time in).
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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