I've been looking into both the "South" and "django-evolution" migration
frameworks.   There are things I like about both of them, although I'm
leaning towards django-evolution.

The thing I like about django-evolution is that migrations are described in
the same "language" as your model,  that is,  instead of adding/removing
tables & columns,  we're adding/removing models and fields,  which is (I
believe) the way it should be.  I don't feel like "create_table()" is any
different from SQL's  "CREATE TABLE".

However,  the author of South
claims<http://south.aeracode.org/wiki/Alternatives>to have started the
project out of frustrations with django-evolution.  I've
read those points, and having a really difficult time understanding what
they really mean.  What do they mean by migartions not being "fixed in the
codebase",  and "fixed migrations are all run when an app is first
installed" ?   What exactly are "fixed migrations" anyways?   I'd love to
understand these points as I don't want to regret choosing django-evolution.

I haven't looked into dmigrations that much, but if anyone has any input on
that I'm all ears.


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