
I work with a Government department with a mandate to spread FOSS/OSS in both 
formal and non-formal education sector. We are planning to introduce a web 
deployment certification. A person may be a specialist in say RDBMS or design, 
but if he is able to deploy his applications (especially open source) - he 
stands a much better chance of being recruited or getting work. I had proposed 
testing in a hands on session the ability to:

1. Set up virtual host with apache/nginx/lighty
2. Set up and RDBMS
3. Use a 'P' language for business logic
4. Build a front end CSS/HTML/JS
5. Store the code in a repository
6. Set up a bugtracking system
7. Demonstrate basic knowledge of the HTTP protocol

Programming ability per se will not be tested. I am getting a lot of flak 
saying: 'this is not what industry wants'. I would appreciate any feedback 
from django-users (we are also, in the next phase, contemplating a django 
certification). I know this is somewhat OT, but after all it *is* in the cause 
of promoting Open Source so please forgive me.

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