You can do this by changing the Thing model:

class Thing(models.Model):
    otherthing = generic.GenericRelation(OtherThing)


For each thing, when you run thing.otherthing.all(), you'll get all
the otherthings.  You can count over that, etc...

If you look at my other post, if you have a list of things, and you
want all the otherthings for that list, you need to loop over each
thing and get the otherthing and then dedupe.  I'm looking for a
solution to that but at least the reverse generic relation gets you
farther down the line.

On Mar 10, 12:35 pm, Chris McCormick <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to do something like:
> Thing.objects.all().order_by("otherthing__count")
> So there's a many-to-many between Thing and Otherthing, and I want to get a
> list of Things in the order of most-otherthings joined - is there some easy,
> Djangoish way to do it, or should I create a new field in Thing which holds 
> the
> number of Otherthings it's joined to?
> Chris.
> -------------------
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