On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 07:27 -0700, PB wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to force tracebacks that are normally swallowed by
> the templating engine to be logged to the server's error logs?

It's not possible to tell which errors are intended to be caught and
which aren't. Many AttributeError and KeyError exceptions are
intentional and not bugs, so the template engine has to catch them. We
can't know whent those cases are unexpected.

There is one issue we're thinking through at the moment with respect to
unicode decoding errors.

> Much of the time the superb error handling in the template engine
> means that little bugs can often fly under the radar. Additionally,
> when a site is deployed, error logs are the only indicator that
> something has broken.

Can you give some examples here? Most errors aren't caught by the
templating system and will raise exceptions. So which ones are causing
you problems?

> Does such a capability exist in django?



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