My original suggestion would still work--run a cron job every minute
(or so) that finds all of the sessions that have an expiration date
since the last time the script was run--delete those, then log an
entry in your audit table.  Seems pretty simple to me, and I can't see
any reason why it wouldn't work.

Also, to back up Malcom, Jacob, and everyone else that's been trying
to help you--you *have* been a bit difficult, and the wording you use
*is* very important.   You attract more flies with honey--not that
anyone here is a fly.


On Mar 18, 12:13 am, "" <> wrote:
> On Mar 17, 10:45 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Huuuze <> wrote:
> > > 7.  Django detects the missing cookie
> > I think this is where you're getting hung up. Django doesn't "detect"
> > a "missing" cookie; Django sees a request from a browser that doesn't
> > include a cookie. Nothing's missing; it's just a new browser without a
> > cookie.
> > To Django, there's *no difference* between a user browsing a site
> > until his cookie expires then coming back, and the same user browsing
> > until the cookie expires and then a *second* user visiting without a
> > cookie. There's no "I used to have a cookie but now I don't" header;
> > there's either a session cookie, or there isn't.
> > Huuuze, I can appreciate that this is an infuriating aspect of HTTP --
> > statelessness is a real bitch sometimes. But you need to accept that
> > you're asking the impossible here and move on.
> Jacob, as you can see in my previous post (where I stated "And I agree
> with you: I don't think this can be done..."), I have moved on.  There
> is no need for the condescending tone in your previous post and lest
> we forget this is a *support* group.  I do understand the limitations
> and, in the case of my description of Step 7, I simply chose the wrong
> words.  Regardless, thank you again for assisting and setting me on
> the right path.
> > Jacob
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