>Nobody ever releases accurate information on site information, so
>anything you get here will be a guess. "Five biggest" is kind of a bad
>number anyway, since your customer won't be any of them and it's
>unlikely you're targeting them as your customers (if you're only looking
>at the five biggest, you're missing out on the other few thousand).

>Better to look at established companies or busy sites using Django,
>rather than saying you had to go as far as the top five to find anything

I want to use that to answer does Django work efficiently and does it
When you get asked "My Database has N-Gazillion rows and app needs x
concurrent users",
showing some sites which use Django and push 500,000 pageviews per day
would be good.

I tried to glean this information from Djangosites and corelate to
Alexa, but maybe
I am missing some other big ones.

On Mar 19, 6:37 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 12:23 -0700,shabdawrote:
> > [Trying not be trollish, but the subject might be so. My apologies in
> > advance.]
> > I run a small Django development firm (www.uswaretech.com), and a
> > lot of clients we go after need to be convinced on why they should
> > choose Django. What is your experience in this? Specifically am I
> > looking for is,
> > 1. Why choose Django over J2EE
> > 2. Why choose Django over RoR
> > 3. Why choose Django over PHP
> The answer to all of these isn't necessarily to do it, for a customer.
> It depends on what resources they have available. There are plenty of
> cases where Ruby on Rails is a better choice for an organisation than
> Django simply because they have Ruby developers available.
> Also, remember that none of these are an either/or proposition. All can
> work together (indeed Django on Jython inside Tomcat, or similar, is
> going to be a huge thing, I suspect). As a consultant both as an
> individual and as part of a corporate consulting group, I've found it
> better to pitch the value of using Python/Django/whatever and why it
> solves the problem for an effective cost or timetable or whatever the
> client's particular pressing issue is, rather than saying the others are
> worse choices. For things like Java and Ruby, it's going to be a bit
> insane to diss the languages, as they simply aren't that bad in the
> corporate world.
> Even PHP: I mean, Flickr, Wikipedia, Yahoo -- these are some pretty
> large sites running on PHP. Another poster's comment about the ability
> to hire good talent is valid, but that also counts against Python (and
> Ruby). Corporate clients, particularly, become concerned over the
> scarcity of available developers.
> > 4. What are the five biggest Django sites, (In number of absolute
> > pageviews.)
> Nobody ever releases accurate information on site information, so
> anything you get here will be a guess. "Five biggest" is kind of a bad
> number anyway, since your customer won't be any of them and it's
> unlikely you're targeting them as your customers (if you're only looking
> at the five biggest, you're missing out on the other few thousand).
> Better to look at established companies or busy sites using Django,
> rather than saying you had to go as far as the top five to find anything
> decent.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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