On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 10:52 AM, pkenjora <pkenj...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  You are correct, username authentication has always been around.
> However, the explicit banning and obfuscating of email authentication
> in the default module has not.  That is the part that worries me, that
> is where things are going wrong.

I can't figure out what you are talking about here.  You mention an '@'
filter elsewhere, and all I can think you mean is the fact that '@' is not
an allowed character in the auth's username field?  If so, near as I can
tell that has been there since the earliest official Django release, you can
see in the 0.90 source code that there's an isAlphaNumeric validator on that


so as far back as 0.90, near as I can tell, you were not allowed to have '@'
in a username.

Yet you seem to be saying you need to work around the 'new' restriction as
you upgrade to 1.0.2 -- so I'm confused.  Are you upgrading from some level
(what one?) which allowed '@' in usernames?  Are you talking about some
other restriction?


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