Dear all,

I have been working on a system where we need full-history for our
data. We need features like a 'live time machine', to be able to look
at information as it was at a certain point of time in the past, in
real time (including seeing deleted items). For that, we currently use
a compound primary key (id + timestamp). This way, there are no
updates or deletes, only inserts. a 'deletion' works by inserting
another version of the object with a 'deleted' status.

I would like to have some insight of the djago users and developers,
if django already has similar features, or if would have to be created
from scratch.

I have been toiling on a system using stored procedures to distribute
the data on several tables. PostgreSQL currently does not have full
support for table partitioning, so custom procedures must be in place
for the system to work. I am thinking about a simple partitioning
system based on number of IDs, but frequently updated objects would
cause certain tables to bloat.

It seems to me (python+django n00b) that django provides a very nice
way to speed up putting stuff online, but (assuming django does not
already provide this functionality) I don't know how easy it would be
to integrate django with a database system like that (if at all) , or
to start over using django's models. Any insight is very much

Best regards

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