Ok your idea worked just fine, but i keep coming up with new
questions :)

The result of it was that when i opened poll i got poll with name
object at 0x9702e8c>

So i wrote something (i dont know how its called - model instance?
model manager?) to retrieve the actual value of translation and my
poll model looks like this now :
class Poll(models.Model):
        name = generic.GenericRelation(Trans)
        pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
        active = models.BooleanField()
        def __unicode__(self):
                return unicode(self.name)
        def tname(self):
                q = Trans.objects.filter(poll = self)
                q = q.get(keel = 1)
                t = q.name
                return t

Can this query also be shorter? and better? cause the first line seems
not to filter out anything at all.

Another one - this might solve the problem for displaying poll names
in list view, but when im creating questions for this poll, then in
the selectbox where i choose to which poll question belongs to i still
have poll name as
object at 0x9702e8c>.
How could that be changed? Can it be changed withing admin.py of my


On Apr 14, 3:45 pm, matehat <mathieu.damo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry about the last post (was a little tired from a sleepless night
> of solving problems in physics ...). I think you can solve the issue
> by putting "return unicode(self.name)" instead of "return self.name"
> in all of the __unicode__ method of your models. The things is that
> you must make sure to return unicode object in that method.
> Another thing that pops in my mind from inspecting your code is that
> line in TranslationInline,
> >class TranslationInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
> >        model = Trans
> >        extra = len(lang.objects.all())
> where it would be more efficient to do :
> extra = lang.objects.count()
> But that's just optimization stuff...
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