On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Lars Stavholm <st...@telcotec.se> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get django-grappelli running, but after following
> the installation instructions, I end up with a 404 and the following:
> Using the URLconf defined in bfact.urls, Django tried these URL
> patterns, in this order:
>   1. ^admin/(.*)
>   2. ^grappelli/ ^bookmark/add/$
>   3. ^grappelli/ ^bookmark/remove/$
>   4. ^grappelli/ ^help/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$
>   5. ^grappelli/ ^help
>   6. ^grappelli/ ^obj_lookup/$
>   7. ^grappelli/ ^related_lookup/$
>   8. ^grappelli/ ^m2m_lookup/$
>   9. ^accounts/login/$
>  10. ^accounts/logout/$
> Notice the space after "grappelli/".
> Anyone else out there using django-grappelli?
> Any ideas as to what causes this?
> I'm using django-1.0.2 on Linux with latest grappelli from trunk.
> Any ideas appreciated

I don't know what grappelli is, but the "extra" space in the listing above
is normal when you have used include() (
as you apparently have for the ^grappelli/ pattern.  So the space isn't the

Unfortunately I can't give you any clue what the real problem is, since you
neglected to include the part of the debug output that shows what actual url
the dispatcher was attempting to match (the line that says "The current URL,
whatever/it/may/be/ didn't match any of these").  Whatever it is, it isn't
matching anything in that list.


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