On 17/04/2009 12:53 PM, James wrote:
> What I've done is store the keys of a users favorite videos in a dict,
> and I try to determine if I should be allowing them to add or remove
> this video from their favorites like this (truncated):
> {% for video in video_list %}
>      {% if favorites[video.key] %}
>        ... offer to remove
>      {% endif %}
> {% endfor %}
> ... but this of course blows up because the template system can't
> understand favorites[video.key]. I wonder how I should organize this
> data and write the tags so that it works... should I be adding a
> property to each video to mark it as a favorite? I've tried this:
> for video in videos:
>    video.favorite = True
> but that property (or attribute or whatever it's called) doesn't show
> up in my template as true ... ??

Without seeing the context of the code above, I would guess you would 
need to save() the video for it to show up, but of course that would 
probably not work in your situation either.

A quick google search shows the following snippet should do what you 
want: http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1350/

{% for video in video_list %}
   {% if video.key in favorites.keys %}
      ... offer to remove
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Darryl Ross
AFOYI, Information Technology Solutions
e: dar...@afoyi.com
p: +61 8 7127 1831
f: +61 8 8425 9607

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