There is really weird. I noticed that all urls without a slash / at
the end redirect to the url with a slash. Thus, users/logout becomes
users/logout/. Okay.

Now I made a users/login. It works great. I wanted Django to redirect
to it for login_required, so I set LOGIN_URL to "users/login". Now,
after setting that, users/login gives a template not found exception,
saying "registration/login.html" is not found (which I used to use but
there is no trace of it anywhere on my system). users/login/ (with
that slash) works.

If I set LOGIN_URL to "users/login/" with a final slash, neither URL

This is really weird. I wouldn't mind the first as much, since all
URLs have a / at the end anyway, but the login_required decorator
redirects to the url without a final slash, and thus gives a template
error either way.

What could be wrong here? I'm using the latest Django 1.1 release.

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