
I have 2 issues that presumably could be related:

1. when I totally stop apache, I see that some apache processes remain
running. When I repeat the stop operation, apache says that apache is not
running, whereas the processes do exist. So, I have to kill them manually.

2. For a single HTTP request I see that multiple calls of the corresponding
rendering function of a view.py are invoked. The overhead like 30 calls per
single HTTP request is not acceptable neither from performance nor logic


a. both issues appeared after I've switsched to WSGI dipatching model.

b. I use wsgi-based dispatching for apache prefork (unfortunatelly I am
restricted for prefork currently) as descreibed here right in the beginning
of the document: http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/deployment.html

c. Also, to restart my app I sometime use "touch my-dispatcher.wsgi" as it
was mentioned somewhere in django docs.

d. the file my-dispatcher.wsgi is basically like this:

Your input is very welcome, thanks in advance.

P.S. I doubt that the troubles are purely Pinax-related, but if so, I am

Best regards
Valery A.Khamenya

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