On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 3:03 PM, simon101 <simon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I am using ModelForms to create forms from the models, and using the
> clean_field and clean methods to validate the fields and form data as
> a  whole.  I get the self.cleaned_data[] dictionary which contains all
> the cleaned up data from the html form, but  it doesn't contain the id
> for the object id for the object which the ModelForm pulled it off.
> Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?  My code looks like this.
> class Contract(db.Model):
>        storage_required = db.BooleanProperty
> (verbose_name="storage_required")
> class ContractForm(ModelForm):
>        storage_required = fields.BooleanField()
>        class Meta:
>                model = Contract
>        def clean_storage_required(self):
>                stor_req = self.cleaned_data['storage_required']
>                obj_id = ?
> btw I am using gae but this shouldn't affect this I think.
> Thanks guys
> Simon
> >
self.instance will be the current object, and therefore
self.instances.pkwill be that object's id.  This is all assuming GAE's
forms work the same as


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