George Song kirjoitti:
> On 5/23/2009 5:13 AM, Jani Tiainen wrote:
>> I'm designing application (site) that is supposed to rely heavily on 
>> pluings.
>> i didn't found much of references how I can create plugin that can 
>> provide something useful for my main template. something like:
>> provide_link = "<a href="{% url myplugin.views.linkaction %}">MyPlugin</a>"
>> And then in my "core" application template:
>> templates/mycore/mycore.html:
>> {% for plugin in allplugins %}{{ plugin.provide_link }}{% endfor %}
>> Any pointers to such apps or snippets that uses this (or similiar) 
>> tehcnique would be appreciated.
> Well, if you break down the problem, it really is just two things:
> 1. Registry
> 2. Interface
> Registry
> ========
> The registry takes care of the part that when you create a new plugin, 
> it should be registered somehow as a plugin.
> Django itself is full of this pattern: models, template tags, filters, 
> admin sites, databrowse, serialization, etc. You can look to those for 
> ideas and inspirations. The most sophisticated being the models which 
> relies on a metaclass to do its implicit registration magic.

This one I've solved by metaclass registration magic. And this was the 
easy part of whole plugin system.

> Interface
> =========
> This is really internal to the specific plugin domain, so depending on 
> your needs, you can enforce it a number of ways: simple documentation of 
> the superclass, putting in a stub of NotImplemented, etc.

I believe in duck typing (documentation of the superclass) rather than 
explicitly forcing something.

I'm just searching for reference implementations how to make something 
visible in my template.

Jani Tiainen

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