On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 9:57 PM, adelaide_mike

> First, please forgive my post to the Django developers group.  I mis-
> understood the terminology.
> I am a total beginner in Django but have long experience with Omnis.
> My data stores addresses in three tables named
> Suburb, (columns are id, name)
> Street, (columns are id, name, suburb_id)
> Property (columns are id, number, street_id)
> I have the Admin all working well (as per the Poll tutorial) but need
> to extend it.  I can "Add a property" and on that page I see a pick
> list for the street name.  Can I get that pick list to show the suburb
> name also by somehow concatenating the street and suburb names
> together?
> In my models.py I have, for each class (using Street as an example):
>      def__unicode__(self)
>            return self.name
> I have not found an exception-free way of changing the last line above
> to involve the parent class.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Something like (for Street):

def __unicode__(self):
   return u'%s, %s)' % (self.name, unicode(self.suburb))

(assuming Suburb's __unicode__ returns its name) should do it.  (And
assuming suburb is not allowed to be null -- if it is then you'll need to
test for a null suburb and fall back to just returning the street name and
not attempting to access a non-existant related object.)


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