Hey folks-- hope someone can possibly provide some insight here.

I needed to add a field to a model. Django (0.96)/mod_python (3.3.1)/
Python (2.5).  Not sure which version of Postgres we're running.

So I added the field to the model.  Ran manage.py sqlall & got the
(very simple) SQL to add the field.  Added the field to postgres using
pgAdmin III 1.8.4.  Restarted the server.

Django seemed to think the entire table had been dropped.  I ran
manage.py syncdb & it created the table (artists_format).  However,
the table is still in place, w/it's original data, according to
pgAdmin III.

It's showing up as completely empty of data in the Django admin
interface.  Any attempt to readd the data (which is showing up as
present & accounted for in pgAdmin III) results in:

ProgrammingError at /admin/artists/format/add/
currval of sequence "artists_format_id_seq" is not yet defined in this

Don't know if that's because Django's trying to add it as ID #1, which
is already there according to pgAdmin III, or for some other hellish

Since the table artists_format only has 5 rows, I thought of trying to
delete them via pgAdmin III so I could possibly re-add them via the
Django admin.  No dice, they're necessary foreign keys from the table
artists_albums_formats.  And I really don't want to lose that data
(which links a few hundred albums to their proper formats).

So what's the magic wand I wave when Django & Postgres go horribly out
of sync like this?  I've done this procedure (adding a field to
postgres & the model manually) dozens of times before & never had
anything this horrific happen.  Help?
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