On May 31, 9:56 am, andrew_dunn <andrewmd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to run a script to import data to my model. All the field
> names are correct. What I'm getting is an error message that says my
> syntax is incorrect on the line that says "for row in reader:" It says
> the error is on the colon. If I remove the colon, it gives a syntax
> error on the last "e" on "restaurant_name = row[0]" Here's the code:
> import sys
> from django.core.management import setup_environ
> sys.path.append('C:\django')
> from mysite import settings
> setup_environ(settings)
> from mysite.mealfinder.models import Restaurant
> import csv
> reader = csv.reader(open("mysite\restaurants.csv")

Here's the error - you didn't close the outermost bracket. If Python
gives you a syntax error, it's always worth checking on the line
*before* the one it flags up.
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