On Jun 11, 1:06 pm, LeeRisq <leer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Programming with Django is unfortunately my job on the side right now,
> so limited time for coding and testing. I know I could answer this
> question myself by tinkering around, but don't have time.
> When you have a generic ManyToMany field specified between two models,
> will Django automatically create a "through" table if I don't
> explicitly tell it to? Logic tells me that it does, but the
> documentation suggests otherwise unless I am losing it, which has been
> known to happen. Thanks everyone.

It always creates an intermediate table in the database, as there's no
other way of modelling a many-to-many relation. However, it won't
expose this via the ORM unless you create the intermediate model and
use 'through'.
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