Hi, im Asinox, im a php user , CodeIgniter Framewor user, but i want
to test something different to PHP, so why not Python.

But i have a litter problem, im using window with WAMP, my python path
is : E:\wamp\bin\Python25\, my Django installation is: E:\wamp\bin

my htpdocs is e:\wamp\www, ¿how ill run the Django from my htpdocs?,
¿why Django go into "site-package" ?, ¿from where ill run this :
django-admin.py  ?, so i dont like the framework that first need somet
Console command...i love CodeIgniter for this razon.

I want to test Django, but im lost with the complicate ambient.

In the tutorial "Writing your first Django app, part 1" i saw this
command ( import django ), but ¿From where i need to type this
command?, because i got error about it, "is not a recognized internal
or external command..".

and the last one, the tutorial say:  "From the command line, cd into a
directory where you’d like to store your code, then run the command
django-admin.py startproject mysite. This will create a mysite
directory in your current directory." ... this command "django-
admin.py startproject mysite" dont is recognized too.

Some help please, in lost...


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