Look at:


You'll find some examples of uploading images both as an application
and batch mode.

2009/6/20 django_jedi <pemaq...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm having a devil of a time trying to get image uploading to work.
> What I'd like to do is simply upload and image.
> This works with:
> my_object = ImageTest.objects.create()
> ...but if  not with:
> my_object = ImageTest.objects.get_or_create(user_id=7,
> image=imagepath)
> Any ideas?
> Alternatively, if anyone out there has a *simple* example of how to
> upload an image, I would appreciate knowing.  Just want to get things
> off the ground.
> My views.py is below.  (The model is a simple 2-field model w/t/fields
> in question.  "user_id" is not a Foreign Key to "User").  There is
> some hard-coding as I'm just testing right now.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
> =====================
> from PIL import Image
> try:
>    import cStringIO as StringIO
> except ImportError:
>    import StringIO
> #from django import newforms as forms
> from django import forms
> from django.conf import settings
> from models import ImageTest
> from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
> from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
> from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
> from django.template import RequestContext
> from myproject.uploadtest.models import ImageTest
> from django.core.files import File
> import os
> class ImageTestForm(forms.Form):
>    """
>    Profile image upload form.
>    """
>    image = forms.ImageField(widget=forms.FileInput())
> def my_view(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST':
>        form = ImageTestForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
>        if form.is_valid():
>                handle_uploaded_image(request.FILES['image'])
>                return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
>    else:
>        form = ImageTestForm()
>    return direct_to_template(request, 'uploadtest/image_upload.html',
> {'image_upload_form': form})
> def handle_uploaded_image(i):
>    # resize image
>    imagefile  = StringIO.StringIO(i.read())
>    imageImage = Image.open(imagefile)
>    # (width, height) = imageImage.size
>    # (width, height) = imageImage.scale_dimensions(width, height,
> longest_side=240)
>    width = 200
>    height = 200
>    resizedImage = imageImage.resize((width, height))
>    imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
>    resizedImage.save(imagefile,'JPEG')
>    filename = 'foo5.jpg'
>    # #save to disk
>    imagefile = open(os.path.join('/tmp',filename), 'w')
>    resizedImage.save(imagefile,'JPEG')
>    imagefile = open(os.path.join('/tmp',filename), 'r')
>    content = File(imagefile)
>    path = 'img/testupload/2009/06/20/'
>    imagepath = path + filename
>    #my_object = ImageTest.objects.all()
>    #my_object = ImageTest.objects.get_or_create(user_id=7,
> image=imagepath)
>    my_object = ImageTest.objects.create()
>    my_object.image.save(filename, content)
> =====================
> >

Antoni Aloy López
Blog: http://trespams.com
Site: http://apsl.net

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