On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 10:33 PM, huw_at1<huwdjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I switched from mod_python to mod_wsgi since I don;t really know
> what is going on and I realise mod_wsgi is recommended for 1.1 now.
> Anyway the rest of my site works fine now. The only part still not
> working is the admin section which fails with this "No module named
> urls" error as can be seen in the traceback above.
> For my settings I have the root urlconf as "myapp.urls".
> In the urls file I have:
> (r'^admin/(.*)', include('admin.site.urls')),
> as is specified in the latest release notes.

That isn't what the release notes say - the new form for the admin includes is:

(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

Note that there is no need for the wildcard regex pattern, and there
are no quotes around admin.site.urls - it isn't a string, it's an
attribute on the site object. This form was introduced for Django

However, the old form ( the same as your include('admin.site.root') )
should continue to work. This form has been officially deprecated, but
it is guaranteed to work until the release of Django v1.3 (i.e., two
full releases in a deprecated state).

Russ Magee %-)

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